Ayurveda is a system of natural healing that has its roots in ancient India. It is believed to be the oldest healing modality in the World. The knowledge contained in Ayurveda deals with everything from nature, physical aspects of health and disease, happiness and sorrow. Ayurveda is a medical science and its purpose is to…
An Ayurvedic Recipe for Spring. This is a wonderful warm cereal that’s tasty and has some beautiful health properties. This time of year, from an Ayurvedic perspective, it is considered a Kapha Aggravating time. Its explained like the melting of snow from the winter, the bodys accumulated Kapha begins to melt and can cause too…
Ayurveda is The Science of Life. It is a form of ancient Indian medicine, which is still practiced in India today. I would like to share 5 helpful tips on how to use your PANTRY spices from an Ayurvedic perspective and using doTERRA oils to help support your immune system. (doTERRA is still open and…
Have you been hooked into another fad diet without it being called a fad diet? Is it the best way to eat because it seems healthy and your losing weight? Well the jury is out as more and more people are waking up to idea that it might just be another fad diet… Darn it!…
I sat down with Aisha Fanning from Vegas Family Doulas to get some insight about natural family support for Mammas who just had babies! So, I sat down with her and after that wished I had a doula like that in my life when I had my children. Sondra: So tell me why did you…
Are you Bouncing into Spring…or are you a sneezing sloggy mess? Ayurvedic Diet Tips To Reset Your Body For Spring As we are coming into full spring and summer, it is the time of year where your body is shifting gears and may require a little extra guidance from you. “Shifting seasonal gears” requires your…
Prep: 10 min Cook time: 15 min Finally a fluffy, delicious easy treat! This recipe is super easy and you get to use your left over coconut flour from your homemade coconut milk (this type of coconut flour is required for this recipe). To make homemade coconut milk you put 2 cups of shredded organic…
Prep: 5 min Cook time: 6 min These are the best ice pops EVER! Super easy too! A couple of requirements, you need a Zoku Ice Pop maker which is something you leave in your freezer all of the time and I use this more frequently then the ice cream machine. This handy ice pop…
The best way to get better faster is to pay attention to your body. When you start to experience the first sign of an illness you want to start a line of defense to help your body recover faster and preferably without antibiotics. You want to make fresh clean foods when you are sick, such…
Prep: 20 min Cook time: 30 min This recipe is a family favorite and is usually on the menu if we have leftover mashed potatoes. If not, the prep time is a little longer because I have to also make mashed potatoes.