5 Ways to Get Better Faster & Naturally! Adults & Kids

July 8, 2016 Sondra Rubin, Ayurveda Wellness Educator No comments exist

The best way to get better faster is to pay attention to your body. When you start to experience the first sign of an illness you want to start a line of defense to help your body recover faster and preferably without antibiotics. You want to make fresh clean foods when you are sick, such as chicken soup made with pasture raised chicken, filtered water and organic vegetables & herbs. Drink lots of purified water. Stay away from preservatives. Eat foods that will support your immune system including blueberries, strawberries, garlic, onions and mushrooms. Don’t forget to REST!

Top 5 Immune Boosters 

    1. Drink Organic Tea with Ginger and Raw Honey – You want to drink tea 2 times a day that is seeped for 10 minutes in order to get a high level of antioxidants into your body. Buying organic tea ensures a high quality tea is being absorbed into your body when you need it most. Pay attention to how the tea bag is sealed, since you do not want to drink your tea with the chemicals found in the glue that is used to seal the tea bags (look for a stapled tea bag).

    2. Reishi Mushroom Extract – Adults can take 1/2 teaspoon with Raw Honey 3 times a day to help get a boost on recovery. This extract is extremely bitter, the raw honey helps disguise the flavor. Do not assume taking more than the recommended dose will supercharge your immune system. It is a remarkably potent antioxidant. If you have never taken this mushroom as an extract, then use it slowly and in moderation until you feel how it affects your body. For kids, consult with your nutritionist, but a 1/4 teaspoon with raw honey once or twice a day for a child 3 years of age and older, has shown an increase of immune support at the beginning stages of a cold.

    3. Echinacea Extract – Take this herbal supplement when you are sick since it has shown to stimulate your immune system. You can also open the pill capsule and pour a small amount into hot tea for little ones to help in their recovery.

    4. Maca Extract Powder – Put a teaspoon of Maca powder into your tea since it is known to be an immune system supporter.

  1. Stay away from lemons, citrus, citric acid and all dairy as you are trying to heal – You need to support your immune system and these items do not help in the recovery process since they flush antioxidants from your blood. Dairy can cause an inflammatory response in your body which increases mucus production.

The best way to avoid getting sick is to eat a well balanced diet that supports your immune system. This is done by eliminating all processed foods, GE (Genetically Engineered) foods and only eating organic fruits and vegetables and pasture raised meats. It is your body’s best line of defense because you are providing it with higher levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from food grown and raised in its natural environment. Remember “When You Eat Preservatives They Don’t Preserve You Back“. The Ingredients Matter Here initiative is encouraging everyone to eat healthier, especially at local restaurants by requesting them to provide at least 1 organic meal with no hidden preservatives. Ask your favorite restaurant to participate in the IM Here initiative!

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