Are You Bouncing Into Spring…

April 25, 2019 Sondra Rubin, Ayurveda Wellness Educator No comments exist

Are you Bouncing into Spring…or are you a sneezing sloggy mess? Ayurvedic Diet Tips To Reset Your Body For Spring

As we are coming into full spring and summer, it is the time of year where your body is shifting gears and may require a little extra guidance from you. “Shifting seasonal gears” requires your liver to process the changes in your body – just like what is happen in the actual seasons and the weather. Your body needs to be able to process changes in your digestive enzymes and other emotional and physical stresses in the environment. If there are blocks in your lymph system, stagnation or inefficiencies in your body you will start to experience physical signs in your body that can be different for everyone, but the most common are seasonal allergies, brain fog, sleeplessness, skin issues and dental issues.

According to Ayurveda, eating what is in season this time of year helps your body with this adjustment. Additionally, performing a 4-day short at home cleanse can jump start the liver to function better, for guided information on this cleanse please reach out to me directly. In the Spring it is a time to focus on intermittent fasting which allows the body to use fat as fuel and it is very important to just not eat as much. I believe everyone is naturally looking to feel lighter in the spring and summer, for beach season but also because in nature, this is a time of year where food is not as abundant yet since it is growing season. It is a good time of year to start a more ketogenic diet, reducing all sugar and focus on what foods are actually in season right now. Checking with your local farmers market is a great start! Grocery stores tend to order products from all over the world so it’s a bit harder to tell which items are seasonal for your specific climate area. You should be eliminating all grains because they are just not in season right now until the end of fall. Dairy should also be avoided because in the spring time cows give birth to calves and the milk is used for their young right now.

So your spring diet should include more healthy fats, vegetables & beans and some fruits. Specifically eliminating dairy, wheat, sugar and all processed foods. Items you should include in your diet now are Ghee, High Quality Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, High Quality Meats, Pastured Butter, Organic Beans, Organic/Sprouted Nuts & Seeds, Organic Potatoes and Root Vegetables, Organic Fruits Berries & Citrus. This elimination diet helps change the gut microbiome for the spring and allows the carbohydrate strong “bugs” to get a break and the other “bugs” in your gut to gain strength. When you reintroduce the eliminated items back into your diet, you want to see if your body is having a reaction to the re-introduced food.

Health is Always an Option!



Health & Wellnes Coach – Ayurveda

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